Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL
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Tytuł oryginału:
Doświadczalna rekonstrukcja rozległych uszkodzeń stawowych metodą "composite grafts" - złożonych przeszczepów autologicznych z jednoczesnym wypełnieniem ubytku kostnego wszczepem porowatym Co-Cr-Mo.
Tytuł angielski:
Experimental reconstruction of massive osteochondral defects by composite graft-autological grafts with porous Co-Cr-Mo.
Pol. Hand Surg. 2002 (2) s.37-42, il., bibliogr. 13 poz., sum.
Sygnatura GBL:
Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
traumatologia i ortopedia
Typ dokumentu:
badanie porównawcze
praca doświadczalna
Wskaźnik treści:
Streszczenie polskie:
Autorzy oceniali możliwości uzupełniania rozległych ubytków chrzęstno-kostnych wszczepem biodostępnym Co-Cr-Mo z jednoczesnym odtworzeniem powierzchni stawowej. Badania przeprowadzono na 10 królikach, podzielonych na 3 grupy. W grupie I ubytek kostny wypełniano wszczepem, który pokryto łatą okostnej. W grupie II wszczep pokrywano przeszczepem kości gąbczastej, zaś w III wszczep pokrywano przeszczepem chrzęstno-kostnym. Uzyskane wyniki oceniano makroskopowo, mechanicznie i histopatologicznie. We wszystkich grupach uzyskano dobrą integrację wszczepu Co-Cr-Mo z tkanką kostną. Najlepsze odtworzenie powierzchni stawowej uzyskano w grupie III.
Streszczenie angielskie:
Authors assessed treatment efficacy of deep osteochondral defects with Co-Cr-Mo implant and successive repairs of articular cartillage. The study was undertaken on 10 rabbits divided into 3 groups. In 1st group bone defect was filled with Co-Cr-Mo implant graft and periosteal flap. In 3rd group implant was covered with osteochondral graft. Results were evaluated by macroscopic, mechanical and microscopic examinations. In all groups authors observed good integration Co-Cr-Mo implant with bone. The best reconstruction of articular surface was observed in 3rd group.
Tytuł oryginału:
Ultrastructural observations of intermediate cells in chronic pancreatitis.
Hepatogastroenterology 2002: 49 (46) s.1120-1123, il., bibliogr. 28 poz.
Sygnatura GBL:
Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
Typ dokumentu:
praca kliniczna
praca opublikowana za granicą
tytuł obcojęzyczny
Wskaźnik treści:
Streszczenie angielskie:
Background/Aims: The intermediate cells exibiting both exo- and endocrine features occur in small numbers in the normal and pathologic pancreas of many animal species. In human pathology their presence has ben reported in children with hyperinsulinemia, in hypoglycemia, and chronic hypergastrinemia. Methodology: Fragments of the pancreas collected from 27 patients operated on for chronic pancreatitis of various intensity fibrosis (1ř - IVř) was subjected to ultrastructural analysis. Results: All chronic pancreatitis cases revealed the presence of intermediate cells that were found outside Langerhans islets, separately or in small groups. They were more common in IIIř and IVř chronic pancreatitis. All forms of chronic pancreatitis with Iř - IVř fibrosis showed, apart from undamage cells, numerous intermediate cells with features of destruction. Some intermediate cells contained fibrilate cytoplasm inclusion bodies. Intermediate cells took part in the formation of acini and were also found among ductural cells. Conclusions: The presence of intermediate cells both within the acinar texture and among proliferating ductular cells conforms the common origin of these cellular elements of the pancreas. In chronic pancreatitis intermediate cells appear during pancreatic texture regeneration, being rather abnormal cell forms produced in this process than an intermediate stage in precursor cell diferentiation.
Tytuł oryginału:
Mast cells and pancreatic stellate cells in chronic pancreatitis with differently intensified fibrosis.
Hepatogastroenterology 2002: 49 (46) s.1135-1138, il., tab., bibliogr. 15 poz.
Sygnatura GBL:
Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
Typ dokumentu:
praca kliniczna
praca opublikowana za granicą
tytuł obcojęzyczny
Wskaźnik treści:
Streszczenie angielskie:
Background/Aims: The pathogenesis of pancreatic fibrosis is unknown. Pathogenic analyses take into account the effect of oxidant stress and the increase in free radicals leading to degranulation of mast cells, which may cause inflammation and activate fibrosis. Activated pancreatic stellate cells produce abnormal components of intercellular substance and are responsible for pancreatic fibrogenesis. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between the presence and state of mast cells and pancreatic stellate cells activation in chronic pancreatitis with varied intensity fibrosis. Methodology: We studied 27 patients with chronic pancreatitis of varied fibrosis intensity. Immunohistochemical reactions for mast cells (anti-human mast cell tryptase) and ultrastructural analyses of mast cells and pancreatic stellate cells were performed. The number of degranulated mast in the ultrastructural picture and the number of pancreatic stellate cells stained positive for vimentin and ŕ-smooth muscle actin were counted. Results: A significant increase was revealed in the number of degranulated mast cells - to 35.6 p.c. in chronic pancreatitis Iř fibrosis, 68.3 p.c. in IIř, 75.1 p.c. in IIIř and IVř (control 10.2 p.c.) and a parallel increase in the number of activated pancreatic stellate cells (stained positive for ŕ-smooth muscle actin) to 328 ń 29/mmý in Iř fibrosis, to 978 ń 67/mmý in IIř and 2355 ń 331/mmý in IIIř and IVř (control 38.8 ń 9/mmý). Conclusions: The increase in the number of activated pancreatic stellate cells parallel to the increase in degranulated...
Tytuł oryginału:
Urazowe obrażenia nerwu okoruchowego.
Tytuł angielski:
Traumatic injures oculomotor nerve.
Klin. Oczna 2002: 104 (3/4) s.244-248, il., tab., bibliogr. 19 poz., sum.
Sygnatura GBL:
Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
traumatologia i ortopedia
Typ dokumentu:
praca kliniczna
Wskaźnik treści:
dzieci 13-18 r.ż.
dorośli 19-44 r.ż.
dorośli 45-64 r.ż.
dorośli = 65 r.ż.
płeć męska
płeć żeńska
Streszczenie angielskie:
Purpose of the study: A collective summary of the pathogenesis, character and clinical significance of damage to the oculomuscular innervation, arising from closed head trauma, based on our own clinical observation, together with a review of literature on the topic. Materials and methods: The clinical and pathophysiological evaluation of injuries to the oculomotor (III) nerve based on a prospective study in our clinic, dating from 1994 onwards: - the clinical material consisted of 600 patients admitted to our Department of Neurosurgery following head trauma, - the subgroup consited of 38 patients, who died following major head trauma. Results: Few authors focus on damage to the innervation of oculomotor muscles, the diagnosis of damage beign difficult due to the usually poor clinical condition of such patients, the interdisciplinary nature of the resulting damage, and their delayed ophthalmological evaluation. The oculomotor (III) nerve is the nerve most frequently damaged amongst the cranial nerves, taking into account the innervation of the ocular system nerved (II-VII). Of clinical importance is differentiating between the mechanism of damage, paying particular attention to intracranial damage. The mechanisms of damage can be distinguished by: 1) partial tearing of the parasympathetic fibres contused against the petroclinoid ligament, 2) total tearage of the parasympathetic nerve root, 3) complete tear of one or both oculomotor nerves at the interpeduncular base, 4) nerve root tear, resulting from vessel perforation. The oculomotor nerve has the ability to reqenerate. The regenerative process should occur within 3 to 5 months, that is without pathological synkinesis. If this processes prologns, this may lead to unpleasant consequences, such as the "misdirection phenomen"...
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