Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Tytuł oryginału: Freedom from rejection and stable kidney function are excellent criteria for steroid withdrawal in tacrolimus-treated kidney transplant recipients.
Autorzy: Włodarczyk Z., Wałaszewski J., Perner F., Vitko S., Ostrowski M., Bachleda P., Kokot F[ranciszek], Klinger M., Szenohradsky P., Studenik P., Navratil P., Asztalos L., Rutkowski B., Nagy K. Karmar, Hickey D.
Źródło: Ann. Transplant. 2002: 7 (3) s.28-31, il., tab., bibliogr. 5 poz.
Sygnatura GBL: 313,259

Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • nefrologia
  • transplantologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca kliniczna
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie
  • dorośli 19-44 r.ż.

    Streszczenie angielskie: Objectives: This prospective, randomized, multicentre study investigated the efficacy and safety of two tacrolimus-based regimens and their potential to withdraw steroids. Methods: In total 489 patients were randomised to receive either tacrolimus and MMF (n=243) or tacrolimus and azathioprine (n=246) concomitantly with steroids in both treatment groups. The initial oral dose of tacrolimus was 0.2 mg/kg/day, MMF dose was 1 g/day, azathioprine was administered at 1-2 mg/day. Steroids were tapered from 20 mg/day to 5 mg/day. From month 3 onwards, steroids were withdrawn in patients who were free from steroid-resistant rejection and who had serum creatinine concentrations 160 ćmol/L. Study duration was 6 months. Results: Patient survival at month 6 was 98.3 p.c. (Tac/MMF/S) and 98.4 p.c. (Tac/AzaS), graft survival at 6 month was 95.0 p.c. (Tac/MMF/S) and 93.5 p.c. (Tac/Aza/S). The 6-month incidences of biopdy-proven acute rejection were 18.9 p.c. (Tac/MMF/S compared with 28.8 p.c. (Tac/Aza/S), p=0.038. The 6-month incidence of steroid-resistant acute rejection were 2.1 p.c. (Tac/MMF/S) and 4.9 p.c. (Tac/Aza/S), p=ns. At the end of month 3, steroid withdrawal was performed in 60.5 p.c. (Tac/MMF/S) and 48.8 p.c. (Tac/Aza/S) of patients, p 0.01. During months 4-6, 2.7 p.c. of patients in the Tac/MMF group had a biopsy-confirmed acute rejection compared with 0.8 p.c. of patients in the Tac/Aza group. In patients who continued to receive steroids, the incidences of biopsy-proven acute rejection during months 4-6 were 3.5 p.c. (Tac/MMF/S) and 132,8 ćmol/L (Tac/Aza/S). Conclusion: Both tacrolimus regimens are efficacious and safe. The combination of Tacrolimus and MMF achieved a lower rejection rate and permitted a higher proportion of steroid-free patients. Ther overall incidence of acute rejection was low and kidney function was good.


    Tytuł oryginału: Ethical and societal problems in organ transplantation.
    Autorzy: Rowiński Wojciech, Wałaszewski Janusz
    Źródło: Ann. Transplant. 2002: 7 (4) s.7-9 - Sympozjum nt. etycznych, społecznych, prawnych i ekonomicznych aspektów przeszczepiania narządów Warszawa 26-29.09. 2002
    Sygnatura GBL: 313,259

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • prawo
  • ekonomika
  • transplantologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca związana ze zjazdem
  • praca przeglądowa
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie

    Streszczenie angielskie: Transplantation medicine, like on other medical speciality, is connected with a wide range of very difficult ethical issues. Among those are: availability of the treatment, consent for cadaveric donation, allocation of available organs, new categories of living unrelated donors and economic aspects of this method of treatment. Authors discuss sensitive aspects in societal perception of the Polish Transplantation Act, ethical issues of living donor kidney transplantation, the role of mass media and economic aspects of transplantation.

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