Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Zapytanie: VAKALJUK
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Tytuł oryginału: Kontrol za efektivnihstju trivaloji antigihpertenzivnoji terapihji enalaprilom v praktichnihjj robotih sihmejjnogo lihkarja.
Tytuł angielski: Checking the effcacy of prolonged antihypertention therapy with enalapril in practical woru of a family doctor.
Autorzy: Nejjko Je. M., Orinchak M. A., Seredjuk N. M., Gorban Je. M., Vakaljuk Ih. P., Aleksandruk D. P., Jacishin R. Ih., Vihrstjuk N. G., Seredjuk V. N., Glushko N. L., Artemenko N. R., Lihbrik O. Ja., Cherkashina O. Je.
Źródło: New Med. 2002: 5 (1) s.13-15, bibliogr. 6 poz., sum.
Sygnatura GBL: 313,682

Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • kardiologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca kliniczna
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie
  • dorośli 45-64 r.ż.
  • dorośli = 65 r.ż.
  • płeć męska
  • płeć żeńska

    Streszczenie angielskie: 137 patients in the middle and older age with arterial hypertension (AH) of the P and Sh stage were observed. The speading of AH in different regions of Precarpathia in dependance from climatical - geografical and socioeconomical conditions was studied. It was stated that the indexes of the daily monitoring of blood preassure are informational prognostical criterial of AH running and also are the criteria of the effectivness of the antihypertensive therapy. The effectiveness of the long time use of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor of enalapri in different age groups of the patients was proved. The study of psychological condition of the patient with the help to the questioneer may serve as the criteria of valuing the effectiveness of healing and social rehabilitation of the AH patients. The recommendation for the family doctors concerning healing and the prevention of the complicates of the AH on the base of the researth results were worked out.


    Tytuł oryginału: Ocihnka antigihpertenzivnoji dihji betaksolola (lokrenu) v gostrikh farmakodinamihchnikh testakh u khvorikh na arterihal'nu gihpertenzihju, shho perenesli ihnfarkt mihokarda (za danimi dobovogo monihtoruvannja arterihal'nogo tisku).
    Tytuł angielski: The studing of arterial blood pressure monitoring results under the influence of lokren revealed its significant antihypertensive efficacy both after the first 20 mg dose and after 2-weeks course of treatment.
    Autorzy: Vakaljuk I. P., Stasjuk L. B., Zvonar P. P., Lihbrik O. M.
    Źródło: New Med. 2002: 5 (1) s.24-27, il., bibliogr. 8 poz., sum.
    Sygnatura GBL: 313,682

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • farmacja
  • kardiologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca kliniczna
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie
  • dorośli 45-64 r.ż.

    Streszczenie angielskie: The estimation of antihypertensive efficacy of lokren during the pharmonodynamic tests in patients with arterial hypertension, after acute myocardial infraction (by data of arterial blood pressure monitoring). While treating patients with 20 mg of Lokren the decreasing of systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure variability and heart rate was observed.

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