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Tytuł oryginału:
House dust mites and their allergens in Danish mattresses - results from a population-based study.
Kirsten E.,
Thorkil E.,
Lars K.,
Ann. Agric. Environ. Med. 2002: 9 (1) s.33-39, il., tab., bibliogr. 36 poz.
Sygnatura GBL:
Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
Typ dokumentu:
praca epidemiologiczna
praca doświadczalna
tytuł obcojęzyczny
Wskaźnik treści:
Streszczenie angielskie:
The purpose of this study was to identify the level of house dust mites (HDMs) and their allergens in matresses, not selected on their owners atopic status, and to find associated factors. Dust was collected from 68 matresses. The recruitment was population-based and conducted during the screening phase of a HDM intervention study. The visited persons declared to have had a "cold" bedroom the previous winter. HDMs were counted and dust was analysed by ELISA for Der 1 (= Der f 1 + Der p 1 + Der m 1). Multiple regression analysis was carried out to find housing conditions associated with high MDM levels. Type of housing, mattress age and self-assessed winter bedroom-temperature explained 14 p.c. of Der 1. Median concentrations were 3.77 ćg Der 1/g and 1 HDM/0.1 g dust. Both immunochemically and microscopically Dermatophagoides farinae was dominant; D. pteronyssinus less frequent but important; and D. microscopisally Dermatophagoides farinae was dominant; D. pteronyssinus less frequent but important; and D. microceras insignificant. In 62 p.c. of these suburban homes the mattress dust exceeded 2 ćg Der 1/g, and measurement of both Der f 1 and Der p 1 was necessary and sufficient to evaluate HDM allergen exposure. The association with a high HDM level was highest and most consistent for one-family houses.
Tytuł oryginału:
A controlled intervention study concerning the effect of intended temperature rise on house dust mite load.
Kirsten E.,
Thorkil E.,
Lars K.,
Ann. Agric. Environ. Med. 2002: 9 (2) s.163-168, il., tab., bibliogr. 33 poz.
Sygnatura GBL:
Typ dokumentu:
praca doświadczalna
tytuł obcojęzyczny
Wskaźnik treści:
Streszczenie angielskie:
In epidemiological studies, increased indoor temperature - producing a lower relative humidity - is associated with low house dust mite (HDM) load. Twenty-eightdwellings were allocated for either intervention (f12/15 completed) or control (11/13 completed). In the intervention group, participants were asked to increase the bedroom temperature bay at least 3řC compared to the self-assessed temperature of the previous winter. Dust samples were repeatedly collected from mattress and floor, and bedroom temperature and relative humidity were recorded hourly throughout one year. Dusts was analysed for allergen (Der f 1 + Der p 1 + Der m 1 = Der 1) by ELISA and HDMs were counted. Changes in mite and in mite allergen concentration were the same in the control and intervention groups, and measured temperatures did not differ during intervention period in the groups (18řC and 19řC). Groups turned out not to be comparabale with respect to initial (self-assessed) bedroom temperature (lowest in the intervention group). There was a significant seasonal variation, with doubled Der 1 concentrations in dust collected in July-November compared to January-May samples. No effect was obtained on mites or mite allergens, but this may be due either to a general lack of effect of increase in bedroom temperature, or to an insufficient increase in temperature in our intervention group. Seasonal variations in HDM and HDM allergens must be accounted for when data on exposure are interpreted.
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z abstraktem i deskryptorami
z abstraktem
z deskryptorami