Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Zapytanie: IZZOTTI
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

Przejście do opcji zmiany formatu | Wyświetlenie wyników w wersji do druku


Tytuł oryginału: Molecular end-points in preventive medicine of chronic degenerative diseases. From animal models to humans.
Autorzy: Izzotti Alberto
Źródło: Prz. Epidemiol. 2002: 56 supl.: Conference on molecular epidemiology in preventive medicine - achievements and new challenges s.319-330, il., bibliogr. 20 poz. - Konferencja pt. Molekularna epidemiologia w medycynie prewencyjnej - osiągnięcia i nowe wyzwania Kraków 20-22.06. 2002
Sygnatura GBL: 301,250

Typ dokumentu:
  • praca związana ze zjazdem
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie
  • zwierzęta

    Streszczenie angielskie: Molecular biology explores interactions between risk factors and organism deferences in healthy individual during the long laaatncy of chronic-degenerative disease. We developed experimental animal models to demonstrate the ability of this approach in predicting risk of developing diseases and to identify preventive measures. Cigarette smoke (CS) induces in 28 days only DNA adduct increases in respiratory, urinary and cardiovascular apparatus of exposed rats. Similar adducts were detected in the atherosclerotic aorta of human patients, their level being higher in GSTM1-null nonsmokers. CS also induces DNA adduct formation in the liver of transplacentally exposed foetuses. Multigene expression analysis by cDNA arrays revealed that foetus counteracts CS-related DNA alterations by decreasing cell cycle rate and inducing DNA repair activities, a defensive mechanism resulting in growth retardation. Light induces in 4 weeks molecular lesions in skin, including nucleotide modifications, increased cell replication rate and protooncogene expression. Related skin cancer ariase only 27-38 weeks later. In animal models, formation of CS-induced molecular alterations can be prevented by administrating chemopreventive drugs, thus demonstrating their efficacy and safety. A phase II chemopreventive trials performed in human smokers demonstrated the ability of N-acetyl-L-cystine to inhibit DNA adduct and 8-OH-dG formation in pulmonary alveolar marcophages. A frequent problem in similar studies is the availability of negligible ...

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