Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Zapytanie: FELESZKO
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Tytuł oryginału: Potentiating antitumor effects of a combination therapy with lovastatin and butyrate in the Lewis lung carcinoma model in mice.
Autorzy: Giermasz Adam, Makowski Marcin, Kozłowska Ewa, Nowis Dominika, Maj Małgorzata, Jalili Ahmad, Feleszko Wojciech, Wójcik Cezary, Dąbrowska Anna, Jakóbisiak Marek, Gołąb Jakub
Źródło: Int. J. Cancer 2002: 97 (6) s.746-750, il., bibliogr. 32 poz.
Sygnatura GBL: 305,029

Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • farmacja
  • pulmonologia
  • onkologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca doświadczalna
  • praca opublikowana za granicą
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • myszy
  • in vitro

    Streszczenie angielskie: Lovastatin, the drug used for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, has previously been reported to exert antitumor activity in experimental murine models. Byturate and butyric acid derivatives are well known to induce differentiation and apoptosis of tumour cells and also have recently gained acceptance as potentaial anticancer agents. In this study, we examined the antitumor effects of the combination of lovastatin and butyrate or its prodrug tributyrin in vitro and in vivo against a murine Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL). This combination therapy showed synergistic antitumor activity against 3LL cells in vitro. These effects were at least in part due to apoptosis induction that occurred after 12 hr of incubation with lovastatin and butyrate and was preceded by changes in cell cycle distribution of treated cells and expression of p21, p53 and cyclin D 1. Remarkably, a systemic treatment of syngeneic mice inoculated with 3LL cells with both drugs resulted in significant tumour growth retardation.


    Tytuł oryginału: Lovastatin potentiates antitumor activity of doxorubicin in murine melanoma via an apoptosis-dependent mechanism.
    Autorzy: Feleszko Wojciech, Młynarczuk Izabela, Olszewska Dominika, Jalili Ahmad, Grzela Tomasz, Lasek Witold, Hoser Grażyna, Korczak-Kowalska Grażyna, Jakóbisiak Marek
    Źródło: Int. J. Cancer 2002: 100 (1) s.111-118, il., tab., bibliogr. 37 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 305,029

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • farmacja
  • onkologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca doświadczalna
  • praca opublikowana za granicą
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie
  • zwierzęta

    Streszczenie angielskie: Lovastatin, a drug successfully used in the clinic to prevent and to treat coronary heart disease, has recently been reported to decrease the incidence of melanoma in lovastatintreated patients. Lovastatin has also been proved to potentiate antitumor effects of both cisplatin and TNF-ŕ in murine melanoma models. Recently, an augmented therapeutic effect of lovastatin and doxorubicin has been reported in 3 tumor models in mice. In our preliminary study lovastatin caused retardation of melanoma growth in mice treated with doxorubicin (Feleszko et al. J. Nati Cancer Inst 1998;90:247-8). In the present report, we supplement our preliminary observations and demonstrate in 2 murine and 2 human melanoma cell lines that lovastatin effectively potentiates the cytostatic/cytotoxic activity of doxorubicin in vitro via an augmentation of apoptosis (estimated with PARP-cleavage assay, annexin V assay and TUNEL). The combined antiproliferative activity of lovastatin and doxorubicin was evaluated using the combination index (CI) method of Chou and Talalay, revealing synergistic interactions in melanoma cells exposed to lovastatin and doxorubicin. In BI6FI0 murine melanoma model in vivo, we have demonstrate significantly increased sensitivity to the combined treatment with both lovastatin (5 mg/kg for 14 days) and doxorubicin (4 x I mg/kg) as compared with either agent acting alone. Lovastatin treatment resulted also in significant reduction of the number of experimental metastasis in doxorubicin-treated mice The results of our studies suggest that lovastatin may enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of malignant melanomas.

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