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Tytuł oryginału: The effect of heavy metal accumulation on metallothionein content in selected tissues of bank voles and yellow-necked mice caught near a steelworks and zinc smelter.
Autorzy: Damek-Poprawa Monika
Źródło: Folia Biol. 2002: 50 (3/4) s.211-214, tab., bibliogr. [18] poz.
Sygnatura GBL: 302,991

Typ dokumentu:
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Streszczenie angielskie: The effect if cadmium, zinc, and copper accumulation on metallothionein content in the selected tissues of bank voles and yellow-necked mice trapped near the Sendzimir Steelworks in Krakow and the zinc smelter in Bukowno were analysed. The Borecka Forest was chosen as a control area. The highest cadmium concentration, 32,98 ćg g-1 dry weight, was detected in the kidneys of the bank voles caught in the Bukowno area. Zinc and copper concentrations in the tissues did not exceed the critical values. Metallothionein content in the liver and kidneys was associated with heavy metal accumulation in the tissues. The highest content of sulphydryl groups was detected in the livers of the bank voles trapped within the neighbourhood of the zinc smelter in Bukowno. The highest level of disulphide bonds was found in the kidneys of the bank voles from the same area.

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