Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Zapytanie: KOTY
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 8

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Tytuł oryginału: Gęstość theta jako nowy parametr charakteryzujący aktywność polowa formacji hipokampalnej u kotów.
Tytuł angielski: A novel parameter of quantitative evaluation of the hippocampal field activity-density of theta.
Autorzy: Gołębiewski Henryk, Eckersdorf Barbara, Bocian Renata, Konopacki Jan
Źródło: Post. Hig. 2002: 56 (3) s.401-409, il., tab., bibliogr. [24] poz., sum. - Konferencja pt. Blaski i cienie elektrofizjologii mózgu in vitroKonferencja pt. Techniki elektrofizjologiczne w badaniach zjawisk bioelektrycznych - od kanałów jonowych po sieci neuronalne KrakówŁódź 24.10.07-08.06. 20012002
Sygnatura GBL: 301,727

Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • neurologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca związana ze zjazdem

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty

    Streszczenie angielskie: Our experiments conducted in the last decade on freely moving cats, showed that commonly used theta parameters: frequency, amplitude and power are not sufficient for a precise characterization of theta field activity. It is specially seen in condition when the experimental protocol involves sensory or chemical stimulation in order to induce hippocampal theta. We described a novel theta parameter - "theta density", that allows more adequate quantitative evaluation of this EEG pattern in freely moving cats.


    Tytuł oryginału: Global motion detection is impaired in cats deprived early of pattern vision.
    Autorzy: Burnat Kalina, Vandenbussche Erik, Żernicki Bogusław
    Źródło: Behav. Brain Res. 2002: 134 (1/2) s.59-65, il., bibliogr. 45 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 312,662

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • neurologia
  • okulistyka

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca doświadczalna
  • praca opublikowana za granicą
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty

    Streszczenie angielskie: We investigated global motion detection in binocularly deprived cats (BD cats) and control cats (C cats). The cats were trained in the two-choice free running apparatus for a food reward. The positive stimulus was a moving random-dot pattern with all dots moving in one direction, the negative stimulus was the same random-dot pattern but stationary. The BD cars were severly impaired in detection of global motion stimulus as compared with the C cats. In contrast, their level of performance in a simple relative motion detection task (one square) did not differ from that in the C cats. However, in more complex relative motion detection task (two squares) the performance of the BD cats was impaired. The deficit in the detection of global motion in BD cats may be due to impairments of their Y-pathway.


    Tytuł oryginału: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy update.
    Autorzy: Bradley Ray
    Źródło: Pol. J. Pathol. 2002: 53 (1) s.7-16, il., tab., bibliogr. 24 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 301,852

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • weterynaria
  • neurologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty
  • bydło

    Streszczenie angielskie: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a zoonosis being the origin of variant Creutzefeldt-Jacob disease and an important cattle disease in its own right. Countries have been show to learn the importance of protecting, not only their cattle populations, but also their human populations. Since 2000, several additional European countries have reported BSE in native-born stock and this has led to a concern about the BSE status of countries that have imported cattle and cattle products from infected countries. Extensive feed and offal bans and application of newly-developed, "Rapid" tests for prion protein in central nervous tissue of targed, high-risk animals and slaughter cattle over 30 months old now provides the tools whereby the public are fully protected and BSE can be eradicated.


    Tytuł oryginału: Aktywacja pętli korowo-wzgórzowej układów zmysłowych ssaków w procesie uwagi.
    Tytuł angielski: Attention related activation of corico-thalamic loop in sensory systems.
    Autorzy: Wróbel Andrzej, Bekisz Marek, Kublik Ewa, Musiał Paweł
    Źródło: Dział. Nauk. PAN 2002 (13) s.42-45, il., bibliogr. 3 poz., sum.
    Sygnatura GBL: 801,551

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • neurologia

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty


    Tytuł oryginału: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Update.
    Autorzy: Bradley Ray
    Źródło: Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 2002: 62 (3) s.183-195, il., tab., bibliogr. [24] poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 302,090

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • neurologia
  • weterynaria

    Typ dokumentu:
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • bydło
  • koty

    Streszczenie angielskie: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a zoonosis being the origin of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and an important cattle in its own right. Countries have been slow to learn the importance of protecting, not only their cattle populations, but also their human populations. Since 2000, several additional European countries have reported BSE in native-born stock and this has led to a concern about the BSE status of countries that have imported cattle and cattle products from infected countries. Extensive feed and offal bans and application of newly-developed, 'Rapid' tests for prion protein in central nervous tissue of targeted, high-risk animals and slaughter cattle over 30 months old now provides the tools whereby the public are fully protected and BSE can be eradicated.


    Tytuł oryginału: Arterial supply of the olfactory trigone and the anterior perforated substance in macrosmatic and microsmatic animals.
    Autorzy: Nachman Ewa, Topol Mirosław
    Źródło: Folia Morphol. 2002: 61 (4) s.265-269, il., bibliogr. 18 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 301,720

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • neurologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca doświadczalna
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty
  • małpy

    Streszczenie angielskie: An investigation was conducted into the differences between macrosmatic and microsmatic animals if arterial supply in the area of the olfactory trigone and the anterior perforated substance. A brain of domestic cat was taken as an example of a macrosmatic animal and a brain of baboon as an example of a micorsmatic animal. The cerebral blood vessels of the cadavers of 30 cats and 11 baboons were filled with latex and, after fixation in acid alcohol by means of microscopic operation, the cortical and deep branches of the anterior and middle cerebral artieres were dissected. We discovered that there were differences between these two groups of animals in the places of arising of deep branches and in their course. In the cat the deep branches running through the area of the olfactory trigone arose from the beginning part of the middle cerebral artery in numbers 5 - 10 and entered the brain in the olfactory tubercle. In the baboon the deep branches arose from two sources: the middle cerebral artery and the anterior cerebral artery. The branches of the middle cerebral artery went through the anterior perforated substance, forming two groups of branches: lateral and medial.


    Tytuł oryginału: Akupunktura i akupresura jako komplementarne techniki terapeutyczne we współczesnej medycynie.
    Autorzy: Jędras Mirosław, Bataa Och, Lange Jacek, Ostrowski Grzegorz, Wardyn Andrzej
    Źródło: Stand. Med. Lek. Rodz. 2002: 3 (1) s.45-48, bibliogr. 29 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 313,625

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty
  • króliki
  • szczury

    Streszczenie polskie: W poprzedniej części omówiono historię i zastosowanie akupunktury i akupresury. W części drugiej skupimy się na teoriach dotyczących mechanizmu działania i próbach naukowego wytłumaczenia efektów, jakie na organizm wywiewrają te techniki.


    Tytuł oryginału: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in the cat carotid body in hypoxia and hyperoxia.
    Autorzy: Strosznajder R. P., Jesko H., Pokorski M.
    Źródło: J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 2002: 53 (3) s.491-496, il., bibliogr. 16 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 302,092

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • pulmonologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca doświadczalna
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • koty
  • płeć męska
  • płeć żeńska

    Streszczenie angielskie: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) induce DNA damage with the ensuing activation of the chromosomal repair enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). ROS also interact with the function of carotid body chemoreceptor cells. The possibility arises that PARP is part of the carotid chemosensing process. This study seeks to determine the presence of PARP and its changes in response to contrasting chemical stimuli, hypoxia and hyperoxia, both capable of generating ROS, in cat carotid bodies. The organs were dissected from anesthetized cats exposed in vivo to acute normoxic (PaO2 ÷ 25 mmHg), and hyperoxic (PaO2 400 mmHg) conditions. Carotid body homogenate was the source of PARP and [adenine 14C] NAD was the substrate in the assay. Specimens of the superior cervical ganglion and brainstem were used as reference tissues. We found that PARP activity amounted to 27 pmol/mg protein/min in the normoxic carotid body. The activity level more than doubled in both hypoxic and hyperoxic carotid bodies. Changes of PARP in the reference tissues were qualitatively similar. We conclude that PARP is present in the carotid body but the augmentation of the enzyme activity in both hypoxia and hyperoxia reflects DNA damage, induced likely by ROS and being universal for neural tissues, rather than a specific involvement of PARP in the chemosensing process.

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