Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Zapytanie: SARNOWSKA
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 3

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Tytuł oryginału: Kalendarium
Opracowanie edytorskie: Hałoń Edward (red.), Jurczak Janusz (red.), Kuźnicki Leszek (red.), Langer Jerzy (red.), Sarnowska-Temeriusz Elżbieta (red.), Tazbir Janusz (red.).
Źródło: - Warszawa, Kancelaria Polskiej Akademii Nauk 2002, 317 s. : tab., 24 cm.
Seria: Polska Akademia Nauk 1952-2002
Sygnatura GBL: 743,024

Typ dokumentu:
  • praca historyczna

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • historia nowożytna
  • historia XX wieku

    Temat korporatywny:
  • Polska Akademia Nauk


    Tytuł oryginału: Involvement of MMPs in delayed neuronal death after global ischemia.
    Autorzy: Zalewska Teresa, Ziemka-Nałęcz Małgorzata, Sarnowska Anna, Domańska-Janik Krystyna
    Źródło: Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 2002: 62 (2) s.53-61, il., bibliogr. s. 59-61
    Sygnatura GBL: 302,090

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • kardiologia
  • neurologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta

    Streszczenie angielskie: Spatial and temporal relations between metalloproteinase (MMP-2 and MMP-9) activation and laminin degradation in garbil hippocampus after transient cerebral ischemia has been studied. Activity of MMPs was determined by gelatin zymography in homogenates from dorsal (DP, an equivalent of CA1 sector) and abdominal (AbP, containing CA2-4 and gyrus dentatus) parts of hippocampus. A significant activation of both investigated metalloproteinases was found at 72 h of recovery. Whereas MMP-2 up-regulation did not show any spatial preferences, the increase of MMP-9 activity was observed exclusively in DP. Activation of MMP-9 at this time point correlated spatially with degradation of laminin - protein of extracellular matrix. These results show that MMP pathway may function as a component of delayed neuronal death cascade in the apoptogenic CA1 sector after transient global ischemia.


    Tytuł oryginału: Application of organotypic hippocampal culture for study of selective neuronal death.
    Autorzy: Sarnowska Anna
    Źródło: Folia Neuropathol. 2002: 40 (2) s.101-106, il., bibliogr. 13 poz.
    Sygnatura GBL: 304,961

    Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • neurologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca doświadczalna
  • tytuł obcojęzyczny

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • zwierzęta
  • szczury

    Streszczenie angielskie: The organotypic hippocampal culture model was established according to the Stoppini method. THe transversal hippocampal slices from 7-day-old Wistar rats were cultured 14 days in vitro then subjected to acute metaboilc stress induced either by glucose deprivation or by additional treatment with a chemical respiratory chain inhibitor-cyanide in 3 mM concentration. The rate of cell death was monitored up to several hours post-treatment in living tissue by propidium iodide staining or by a trypan-blue exclusion test. No signs of selective vulnerability of any particular hippocampal region or cellular layers to applied metabolicinsults were found. Slices demonstrated total resistance even to prolonged (24 h) abscence of glucose in the culture medium, whereas the cyanide caused death which was almost immediate and unspecific to any region cells. In contrast, induction of oxidative stress by hydrogen peroxide treatment resulted in concentration and time-dependent neuronal death preferentially observed in CA1 sector of pyramidal layer. Both clinical and experimental studies confirm that the hippocampus, and particularly its CA1 sub-field, is exceptionally vunerable to ischaemic and other brain injuries. The causative role of free radical generation and the resulting oxidative stress have been widely discussed in these pathologies. Our results imply that CA1 pyramidal cells do not differe from the other hippocampal neurones in their reaction to metabolic stress. On the contrary, and from mainly unknown reasons, these CA1 neurones are extremely sensitive to the reactive oxygen-triggered damage.

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