Wynik wyszukiwania w bazie Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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Tytuł oryginału: Genetic and environmental determinants of emotions: data based on cross-country twin studies on temperament.
Autorzy: Strelau Jan, Zawadzki Bogdan, Oniszczenko Włodzimierz, Angleitner Alois, Riemann Rainer
Źródło: Pol. Psychol. Bull. 2002: 33 (1) s.5-13, il., tab., bibliogr. s. 12-13
Sygnatura GBL: 305,458

Hasła klasyfikacyjne GBL:
  • psychiatria i psychologia

    Typ dokumentu:
  • praca kliniczna

    Wskaźnik treści:
  • ludzie
  • dzieci 13-18 r.ż.
  • dorośli 19-44 r.ż.
  • dorośli 45-64 r.ż.
  • płeć męska
  • płeć żeńska

    Streszczenie angielskie: By radiotion temperament has been linked to emotions. This tradition is present also in contemporary theories of temperament. Based on the Bielefeld-Warsaw Twin Project a study was conducted with the aim to assess the contribution of genetic and environmental components to emotion-contered temperamental traits as represented by three different temperament theories. The psychometric measures based on three temperament questionnaires (Formal Characteristics of Behavior - Temperament Inventory, Dimensions of Temperament Survey - Revised, EAS Temperament Survey) included a variety of traits directly referring to emotions, such as: perseveration, emotional reactivity, approach-withdrawal, mood quality, distress, fear and anger. Data were collected by means of two methods: self-report and peer report. Altogether the study was conducted on over 1555 pairs of MZ and DZ twins and 6050 peers stemming from the German and Polish populations. Analyziz of data based on structural equation models and path analysis has shown that it is mainly the genetic factor and the nonshared environment that contribute to the variance of emotional traits. Self rating shows that on the average about 40 p.c. of the phenotypic variance can by accounted to the additive genetic factor and about 60 p.c. to nonshared environment. When peer rating is taken into account what allows to separate measurement error from the nonshared environment the genetic factor explains on the average about 60 p.c. of the variance of emotion-centered traits. The data based on cross-country comparisons suggest...

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